Becoming a teacher is one of the best career paths you could possibly choose. This wonderful job is one of the few available careers that give you the chance to make a real, remarkable difference in peoples’ lives. There will be ups and downs, as with any profession, but you’ll have the opportunity to play a meaningful role in the lives of the children you teach. This is priceless. Make the most of your new career path by becoming the type of teacher your students remember for life.
- Develop practical skills. Your degree may have taught you how to teach, but there are practical skills that will come in handy on a regular basis in the classroom environment that you may not be prepared for. For example, you need to be ready if something happens to one of the kids in your classroom and you need to step in and take charge in an emergency. You can apply first aid course perth principles in a range of important scenarios to potentially save a child’s life.
- Maintain your distance. Friendliness and empathy are crucial characteristics for any good teacher, but boundaries are important, too. Maintain a professional boundary between yourself and your students if you want them to respect you. This balance can be particularly difficult for teachers of older students to get right, but it will serve you in the long-term if your students understand that you are their teacher and not their buddy.
- Be consistent. Once you’ve set your boundaries and have clear rules for your classroom, consistency is key. Once you let something slide for one child and allow it for another, chaos can break out. Be consistent when it comes to rules so that your students know exactly what to expect when they come to school each day.
- Make connections with colleagues. You’ll quickly feel isolated and uncomfortable in the school environment if you don’t connect with your colleagues. Take the time to get to know them instead of burying your head in lesson plans in the staff room. Ask questions, request advice when you need it, and find an older and more experienced teacher to turn to for mentorship. They could help you grow into the teacher you want to become.
- Foster self-confidence. A confident, self-assured personality doesn’t come naturally to every teacher. While you don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not, it’s important to nurture the parts of yourself that do have confidence. Practice self-affirmation and assertiveness regularly, and seek professional support if a feeling of anxiety or shyness is making teaching difficult for you.
- Stay positive. Dealing with tough students can be draining, but if you allow negative encounters to overwhelm their school day experience they’ll be more likely to become discouraged. Maintain an encouraging and positive attitude and they’ll be more likely to succeed.
- Be curious. Getting to know your students is essential, no matter what age group you’re working with. Be curious about your students’ lives and ask them questions – encourage them to open up to you whenever they feel able. You could help them deal with a problem they’re having at home, or uncover the reason for why they’re really struggling with a particular subject.